Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Wed Evening

Larry went about 30 hours before he had any more arrhythmias. This was in the middle of last night so he's gone about another 20 already without any more problems. He is staying sedated for the time being because the defibrillator going off is worrisome and bothersome to him, to say the least. Hopefully they will begin to be further and further apart if not nonexistent.

He has a bit of temp so they are treating with antibiotics. He also has been breathing well with less and less oxygen. They continue with evaluations for possible transplant just in case the need arises.


  1. Hello Bell Family - We've been out of town for a bit but are glad to hear that the by pass went well and that Larry is getting the rest he needs to recover. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.

    The Burns Bunch

  2. We check every day to see how Larry is doing. We hope that Peg and Carrie are both doing well too. Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone.
    Bob & MJ Gunnare

  3. We all continue our prayers & well wishes for further healing. Please know how much you are all in our thoughts constantly. Be Strong in the Lord!!!! Sending you a huge hug, Cheryl

  4. My prayers and thoughts are with you. I check every evening to see what progress is being made. Thanks for keeping us updated!!! Keep getting stronger and we will keep Praying!!! Lots and Lots of love! Chris
