Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Improvement Continues

I spoke with Peg today - Larry's improvement continues. He is talking a lot more than yesterday and seems to be getting back to his old self. She said that lots of people have been stopping by telling him how good he looks!!

He was pretty tired from physical therapy and occupational therapy which both worked with him today. He is still in ICU but should be moved to step down care at some point. He is down to one of the four tubes that he had in after surgery and his only real pain is in the leg they took the vein from. He is on restricted fluid intake and has lost a lot of the excess fluid. She said he is looking forward to the next diet coke!

Curtis and Nate will be heading out there on Thursday to see him.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Improvement by the Hour

Peg says you could see Larry improve through out the day today. His speech got better and appetite improved. He actually got ice cream and a diet coke! He would probably want to send a special shout to Stephanie, one of the NP's that has been by, because she is the one who got him the diet coke. It might be a little early yet for cabernet but we heard he was missing it. Peg says that nurses who haven't seen him for a shift or two think he looks great.

They are still working with his medications to see what will work best and be tolerated and physical therapy looked at his chart but I don't think they've started anything. He did sit up in a chair for awhile today. Peg was glad that Carrie and Addie stayed until today because he was so much better today.

Pictures from home for Peg and Larry

I've been promising a few pictures...

Kid's planter

Flowers enjoying a break from Nola being there every day.

First Lemonade stand

Patiently awaiting your return...

Eating and Talking Today

Larry is more responsive this morning and eating real food! Peg says he is more alert and asking and answering questions. He still has a little trouble with the atrial rhythm and they are treating it with medications right now, but they still think it is a result of the surgery and not nearly as troubling as the ventricular arrhythmias he experienced earlier.

He is un-hooked from most of the tubes and wires and will probably get up to a chair today!! They will start with that and then work to rebuild strength over the next few days with physical therapy.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Progress Continues

Larry continues to come slowly out of the sedation. He doesn't open his eyes much but does make some responses or requests. He is awake enough that they were able to go down to just a nose tube for oxygen. The docs say he is doing well and is on the right path. They will probably get him up a little more tomorrow.

The shuttle stops running a little earlier on Sundays so Peg, Carrie and Addie left and were planning a nicer dinner at Tavern on the Water, a short walk from the hotel. They've been doing a lot of stuff in the room since they stay a little later and can get good stuff from Whole Foods. Still I'm glad they did a nice dinner, didn't feel as bad about raiding her sage plant tonight! When they told Larry they were leaving a little early to catch the shuttle or they'd have to walk, Larry's reply was "walk." :D He makes frequent requests for more ice chips, probably due to having the vent in for quite some time and also asked to go home! All of these are good signs...

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Saturday - Pump Removed

Larry had the pump removed this morning and seems to be doing fine!! He did have just a bit of abnormal beat in the night. It didn't set off his device but, they chose to correct it with a very small jolt from external paddles. This worked to get it corrected quickly. This was actually atrial in nature and much more to be expected than the ventricular arrhythmias he has experienced so there doesn't seem to be much concern.

Larry is still semi-sedated. He will answer to some commands, especially if they are loud/insistent, but still keeps his eyes shut. The medication has to come out of the cells where it was stored so sometimes this can take awhile, but is to be expected. He's still on the vent so it is actually better that he isn't that aware.

Peg said one of the doctors came in and yelled and Larry raised his eyebrows but didn't open his eyes. When he asked him to hold up his arm and raise two fingers, he did do that. Carrie tried getting a reaction by telling him he was the only person on the planet who didn't know about Michael Jackson. :) I was thinking Farrah might get more reaction...

Friday, June 26, 2009

60 hours

Larry has reached around 60 hours with no more arrhythmias!! The assist pump is also down to only assisting on 1 of 4 beats so they've been able to back it off successfully. After he gets to 1 of 8, it can come out. So great to hear his heart is keeping up. He's still sedated, just taking awhile for the body to metabolize the medicine and get it out of his system.

Things still seem to be going in the right direction.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

45 hours!!

Larry is up to about 45 hours without another arrhythmia now. They continue to bring him very very slowly out of sedation. Peg said she warned them that he is known to take things into his own hands regarding the ventilator. I think they talked about this before they sedated him and he said he'd try not to do it himself so we will see if he can keep his promise.

We heard that Carrie and Addie might have found some good shopping today and all got out by 7pm to appreciate the sun. Hoping for another good night and day tomorrow.

36hrs by midday on Thursday

Larry has gone about 36 hours without another arrhythmia!! They are slowly going to back off on the sedation through out the day and hopefully be able to take the vent out. His temp is down to 100. Hoping that things continue to move in the right direction! The sun finally came out in Boston after a week of overcast and gloom. Maybe it is a sign.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Wed Evening

Larry went about 30 hours before he had any more arrhythmias. This was in the middle of last night so he's gone about another 20 already without any more problems. He is staying sedated for the time being because the defibrillator going off is worrisome and bothersome to him, to say the least. Hopefully they will begin to be further and further apart if not nonexistent.

He has a bit of temp so they are treating with antibiotics. He also has been breathing well with less and less oxygen. They continue with evaluations for possible transplant just in case the need arises.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Tuesday Evening

Larry was able to have a restful day today. He is still sedated with the heart pump in and this has allowed his heart to rest. He hasn't had any more arrhythmias today. We are so thankful that he was able to have a better day. Getting him stabilized was the first step toward progress. They continue to reassure us that there are several options in case the arrhythmias would return. Hopefully will all have a more restful night on today's news.

Thanks to everyone for your continued support, thoughts and prayers.

Tuesday Morning

Larry had a restful night and got through it and the early morning hours without any more arrhythmias. We are hopeful that this is the start of a better day for him. He is still sedated and has the pump in so that he can rest and continue to heal. They are hopeful that the source of the arrhythmias is inflammation and that as it goes down, the arrhythmias will stop. We are continuing to take one day at a time.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Monday Update

Larry has been having some issues with arrhythmias again today. Enough so that the doctors have decided to sedate him again to keep him more calm and have put the heart assist pump back in to give his heart a break. They are hopeful that these issues are just a result of inflammation and trauma from the surgery. If not, they continue to assure us that there are other options they can pursue.

By the last time I talked to Peg, he had the pump in, was sedated and had gone a few hours without any more issues. We are trying to take one day at a time as they need to work through these issues and Larry needs time to heal.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Sunday Update

Carrie and Addie did finally make it to Boston and are keeping Peg company. They had much better luck the second day and didn't have to fly in storms or worry about getting in at 4am.

When Larry was first getting around this morning, his heart went out of normal rhythm and his device fired twice. It didn't seem to be too alarming to the staff and we have since read that arrhythmias are actually not uncommon in the first few days after by-pass. However, it did shake us up a little and bothered Larry. We've also since learned that he wasn't on any arrhythmia meds but is now. Later in the day when he got up to sit in a chair, the heart did a little something but not enough to set off the device.

The doctors have said that his heart has been through a lot and is still going through a lot getting stabilized with the new blood supply. They still think he's moving in the right direction. Peg mentioned that they expect some hiccups and are just really thankful that it happened while he is there. We'll continue to take one day at a time and remain in awe of how well Larry has done after everything he has gone through.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Saturday Update

Larry continues to make good progress in the cardiac ICU. Peg spoke with the surgeon this morning and asked if things were going well. He said yes and the fact that Larry had survived the surgery and the first 24 hours was critical and that has gone well. The ventilator was removed last night and Larry has progressed from an oxygen mask to just a nasal tube. They are currently working on weaning him off the assist pump and are hopeful the pump can be removed today.

Larry is awake though he doesn't feel he slept very well and is starting to get pretty sore. No big surprise there (Peg actually said "Well duh"). Rumor has it that one of the nurses came in this morning and said Larry was getting pretty famous and wanted to know if she could have his autograph. Larry attempted to barter and said she could have his autograph if she would get him a beer. I believe he is still waiting.

Around midnight last night Carrie and Addie's flight went from being delayed to cancelled so they did not make it to Boston. They are scheduled on another flight for 6 this evening and are hopeful for better luck with the weather.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Friday Evening Update

Larry is now settled in at the cardiac ICU. He remains sedated and the immediate goal is just to keep him stable as he recovers from the surgery. He remains on a ventilator and the heart assist pump. The staff is hopeful that they can remove the ventilator tonight and the try to wake him up. They are also hoping the pump can be removed tomorrow. Peg said it's hard to believe that Larry could be hooked up to more equipment then he was a couple of weeks ago, but he is. Peg is also doing well and stable after a very long day.

Everyone Peg has talked with seems to be generally pleased with how everything went. I don't think they will really get into full details until Larry can participate as well. The doctors have indicated that it will actually take several months to begin to see the benefit from the surgery so the best thing to do now is to focus on recovery.

Bad weather in the Midwest played havoc with the flights heading out of Chicago. As a result Carrie and Addie were delayed several times and are now not scheduled to get into Boston until 1am this morning. Not a fun day of travel but we're glad they will be out there with Peg.

Thanks to everyone for their positive thoughts, wishes and prayers today. They are sincerely appreciated.

Finished with Surgery

The surgeons finished up about an hour ago (3:00pm ET). They did a total of 4 by-passes and are hopeful that the by-passes will increase the blood flow sufficiently to reduce the likelihood of future arrhythmias and potentially increase the productivity of his heart. We are thankful for their skills and that Larry came through the surgery well. Larry is going to be moved to the ICU after surgery and we have been told that he will probably remain sedated until tomorrow.

As soon as we have more information, we will get it posted.

Update at 1:30pm (ET)

Peg just emailed and said he is still in surgery.

Update around 10am

Peg just emailed and said the surgery was delayed a little. They didn't come and get him until 7:30am. They had done all his paperwork assuming he was "Laurence" but had to change it all to Larry. The blood bank didn't get the message and wouldn't release blood to Larry Bell when he got to the operating room. Not sure how much longer he was delayed but they must have gotten it worked out because he is in the operating room now.

Peg stayed with him last night and said he hasn't been nervous at all, just anxious to get on with it. GO LARRY! BE STRONG! WE LOVE YOU! We love you, too, Peg.

Surgery at 6:30am Today

Larry had the pump put in last night and was back in the room around 9pm. Since Peg was still there, they were going to bring her a cot to stay over. He was scheduled for 6:30 am so she would have had a short night at the hotel. It is supposed to be around 6 hours. No update yet.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Intervention Decided and Scheduled!!

If you've been following, you know how slowly things have been moving. Lots of tests, lots of waiting for results, mulling over those results, conferring between different doctors and teams, and always qualifying about who has the final say.... Around mid-day we heard that the surgeon was going to gather all the results up and be trying to figure out how to move forward. I, for one, figured it would be at least another day. About a half hour later we heard that Larry will be having a by-pass tomorrow morning!!

When they decide, things move quickly. He was to be moved back to CCU today and readied for surgery. They were putting the heart-assist pump back in. Peg said that when the CCU nurses (who have been so good to Larry and are the ones that gave him the hat and video taped him) got a notice that he was coming back to CCU, they came running to his room to see what was going on! We are all relieved that he is not going back to CCU for a bad reason but for prep for a by-pass.

Please keep Larry in your thoughts tomorrow. We are all very excited that they believe this could help him, and that they are able to do it. We don't know the time yet but will be posting updates as we have them. They told Peg to expect around 6 hours for the procedure.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Procedure Completed

Larry came through the procedure just fine. We were hoping to have a little more information, but all we know is that they said they saw "some good stuff." We are hopeful this means there is something to work with and an intervention might be possible. As always, we will keep you updated. Thanks for all the prayers today!

In for Test

Wanted to let everyone know that Larry is in the procedure that was scheduled for today. They came and got him around 9:30 and said that it could be a few hours. This is to check for viability of a certain type of by-pass that they are hoping could sort of rejuvenate some of the tissue that is alive but not very productive.

Thought everyone would like to know he went in. We probably won't have much in the way of results when he comes out, but we will update you when we find out the procedure is over. Thank you for all the support!

Monday, June 15, 2009


Larry and Peg continue to work with several docs, attendings, surgeons, vascular surgeons, those that deal with the heart's conduction, etc and they continue to work on all the options and what might be best. The latest is that they don't think they can do anything from the electrical standpoint right now that would lesson his chances of arrhythmia but they still haven't totally ruled out a certain type of by-pass. In fact they would like to do one more test to determine how viable the heart might be for this.

They believe that there is some muscle that is alive but perhaps not contributing what it could be. They are hopeful that if they could improve the blood supply to this area, the heart muscle would be more productive and possibly less prone to arrhythmia. But first, the test would need to be done to see if this is even possible. I hope I am getting this fairly accurate, just summarizing from emails and phone conversations.

They also gave Peg and Larry the option of coming home and seeing if the test (and subsequent care) could be picked up locally. While getting home is attractive, they fairly quickly decided that the specialized care he is getting there is more important.

So, the test is scheduled for Wednesday but we are also used to their timelines changing fairly frequently! In the meantime, Larry hasn't started PT yet but he went hall walking for the second day! He also had a CT to look at his lungs -- no pneumonia and hasn't had a temperature in a few days so that is good. They did see some broken ribs, no surprise from the amount of CPR he had, but at least the breaks are close to the sternum and not causing too much pain.

We've started to get an occasional email or have a brief phone conversation so we know that Larry is getting stronger! He continues to be appreciative of your comments and concern, keep it coming!! We are so appreciative, too. Thanks, everyone!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Birthday Part 2

The video-ing nurses (who Larry now calls the best nurses in Boston) gave him a present. See what happens when you hang out for a long time there...

He also got up and around!!

Later, a bunch of nurses came in his room and sang Happy Birthday and delivered a small angel food cake. Good to know they are pampering him a little and taking such good care of him.


Pleas'd to look forward,

pleas'd to look behind,

And count each birthday

with a grateful mind.

- Alexander Pope

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LARRY. We all love you and can't wait to celebrate with you. Keep getting stronger, we are looking forward to another fun-filled, grandkid-packed, Caymus-worthy year!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Late Friday Update

I waited awhile to do this update, because a lot of discussion has occurred today. Mostly about what the options are, what to do next, etc, etc. There seems to be a lot of variables and can also depend on the day and the team evaluating Larry. The good news is, the reason it also seems to be changing is because he is doing so well!!

Larry seems to be responding very well to the medications and getting stronger. One big sign of the improvement is that he got to move out of CCU today! Another is that the transplant team said, "we're sorry, but you're just not sick enough for us." There certainly are still other interventions that could be done, but no decisions yet. One problem is that the benefits have to outweigh the risks and they just aren't sure how much benefit would be derived from various options (such as bypass or just improving some vasculature to the front of the heart) and just how much risk would be incurred.

Since he has responded well to the anti-arrhythmic medication, there really wasn't any damage, and the heart has pretty much returned to the same ejection fraction as before, no intervention is suddenly becoming more of an option!! (anyone else thinking de ja vu all over again?)

For now, the plan is continue to get stronger. No matter what, physical therapy and cardiac rehab are likely and the docs have said, at some point Peg and Larry could decide how much to do in Boston and when to return home. But let's not get too far ahead. Still taking one day at a time and so thankful that he continues to show remarkable improvements.

Speaking of one day at a time, a special day is approaching. Larry's birthday is Sunday. Not the best way to spend your birthday, but we are so glad to have had this last year and look forward to another. Lots of love and birthday wishes, Larry!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Patience is a Virtue

Last night Larry emailed and said that “things are moving slowly but in the right direction.” They have started getting him up out of the bed and having him sit in a chair for some short stretches. It is still pretty difficult to move after lying flat for 11 days but he said the second time was a little better than the first. The staff has assured him that each time will get a little easier. Larry said he is feeling a little better each day and can look back and realize that “I really was not in good shape last week.” I guess this explains the reports of Captain Obvious being seen in the Boston area recently.

I spoke with Peg last evening. She is doing well and doing her best to make her time in Boston “an adventure” and as enjoyable as possible under the circumstances. She said that no decision has been made on the by-pass surgery. The current plan is to continue to let Larry get stronger and also to consult the transplant team and get their input as well. This really doesn’t seem to be any sort of setback but instead is just the staff exploring every option and taking advantage of the extra time they have as Larry continues to get stronger each day.

There is a good chance that Larry will be moving out of the CCU (Critical Care Unit) shortly because, as the staff put it, he just isn’t in critical condition anymore. The staff have been absolutely wonderful in the CCU and have indicated that they’re not ready for him to leave. I know Peg is sorry to be leaving the staff as well, but there are no complaints about the upgrade in Larry’s condition.

Finally, Larry said “I can’t believe how much interest there has been in me.” Thank you to everyone who is keeping up with his progress and leaving comments. It means so much to Larry and to the whole family. Everyone’s thoughtfulness and kindness is greatly appreciated. If you haven't seen the video from yesterday, scroll down to see a message from Larry!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Message from Larry

Two of Larry's nurses, Norine and Lisa, took a video of Larry and were hoping we could get it posted to the blog. They said it could be a test and they would do it again for us. He thanked the nurses and then afterwards wished he had told a lot of other people thank you. You can go here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmb41AlR6LM or hopefully it will also play below. (press the arrow button in the center of the picture and make sure you have your volume all the way up)

Thank you so much to Norine and Lisa!!! It's so good to see and hear you, Larry.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Pump Removed

Curt talked to Peg late this afternoon. They did remove the pump successfully and without incident! Don't know anything more about possible interventions or when, we are just excited that he is off the pump. He had to remain flat for a few hours, but hoping he is up and about soon.


Just heard that Larry is no longer relying on the pump!!! He said he felt like a little kid on his birthday when they told him he was getting off it today. So hard to stay flat. They haven't actually removed it, but should be any minute.

The attendings said he is a good candidate for a by-pass. That is not the final word of the surgeons but that is what the attending doc said this morning. This is such wonderful news!

More later. Thanks for all the thoughts, prayers, comments.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Coming off the pump!

Happy to say, progress is continuing!!

The docs have not made a decision on surgery yet, but they have decided to bring Larry/Lazarus off the heart assist pump because he is doing so well!! He is going to come off the blood thinners this evening and then they will start bringing him off the pump tonight. They do it in 4 hour increments to let his heart gradually take over.

Larry is really looking forward to being able to sit up more and maybe even moving around. Peg says they will probably make the decision tomorrow about surgery!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Peg and Lazarus

Another email from Peg Sunday afternoon. They are having a quiet Sunday but did talk again with the docs. They will probably do the leg vein study tomorrow and then try to make some sort of decision. The doc seemed to indicate that they are kind of leaning toward by-pass although still several factors and tests that would have to be considered. He also said it won't happen before the cardiac surgeons are ready for it to happen. Larry is feeling stronger and improving every day. His throat doesn't hurt so he is talking better and eating better at each meal.

The doc also mentioned that his nickname is now Lazarus!! Certainly understand the reference, but I thought it interesting that there actually is a name for what he went through and it is called the Lazarus phenomenon -

The Lazarus phenomenon refers to an event in which a person spontaneously returns to life (the heart starts beating again) after resuscitation has been given up.

Peg says he isn't reading your comments yet, but she is telling him about them and that he will enjoy reading over them when he feels up to it. He is grateful for everyone's concern and so are we!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Saturday Part 2

Just had an upbeat email from Peg late Saturday afternoon. Things are pretty quiet on the weekend, but she did talk to one of the attending docs and also nurses. They say Larry is the talk of the town right now! Not sure that is what he had in mind, but we will all take it over the alternative. It is a very good thing!!

The doc understands that we are all anxious and would maybe like things to progress a little faster. He says they really need some time to digest all the tests and how he is doing and that Larry really needs time to rest and get stronger before they would do anything more. Sounds like he is very understanding and also very thorough and has encouraged any of us to call him any time. He says, "he went 4 years without needing anthing, give us 4 days to figure out what to do." Well, when you put it that way, yes, we can wait. It's just so hard not being there and thinking about them so much.

Peg also inquired about his need for oxygen and they reassured her that he is really doing over 90% on his own. He is only getting a small amount but they feel the optimum amount will help him heal better so why not? She also mentioned that Larry didn't seem as tired today and has watched more TV. Very encouraging!

Saturday Report

We don't have a lot new to report but we figure that even knowing that can be a comfort rather than wondering and worrying about what is going on, at least that is how we've felt the last few days.

We spoke with Peg early this afternoon. Larry remains on oxygen but seems to be feeling a little better. He watched part of a baseball game last night. They still haven't looked at the veins in his legs yet, and we're not sure when that will happen. It appears the plan right now is to let Larry rest and regain some strength. They've also been working, with some success, to take some extra fluid off so his heart doesn't have to work as hard.

Peg said her dinner with the Krause's last evening was very nice.

Thanks again to everyone for their comments and emails. Keeping Peg on-line has been a bit hit or miss so far, but we will be sure that Larry gets all the comments you have sent!

Friday, June 5, 2009


Thanks for everyone's comments, thoughts and prayers. I'm sure they will mean a lot to Larry.

We had a brief email from Peg later this afternoon. Larry's O2 was a little low so they put him back on some oxygen for the time being. They also were to do some tests on his veins. They had looked at the carotids and things looked pretty good and hadn't looked at the veins in his leg yet when she wrote us. We are hopeful that the fact they are even looking at them means they haven't ruled out by-pass.

Peg was to have dinner with the Krause's tonight for their anniversary and then they are leaving tomorrow. We are so glad they were there for this first difficult week.

Recent Picture

We'd been having trouble finding a picture of Larry to post. I remembered that Jay, who is 4, likes to take pictures with my phone. I found this one in my phone of Peg and Larry clowning around for Jay. Not great quality but it is recent and thought Larry would like it since one of the kids took it.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Doctors trying to determine next course of action

Larry and Peg were able to speak to one of the attending physicians and a heart surgeon. They have looked at the results of his tests but want to continue to study them some more. They have said that determining the right course is going to be difficult. Bypass would be the best option but there are many factors involved, his over all health, condition of the veins in his legs, and whether or not the bypass would be effective, etc. They hope to come to a decision in a day or two. Will keep everyone posted as we know more.

Tests Complete

We just heard that Larry has completed the tests that were scheduled for today. We don't have any results but glad to hear he got through them and is resting in his room. He says he is still quite sore from the CPR, but generally feeling pretty good. We are so amazed there were no broken ribs.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

From Ventilator to Talking and Eating!!

Larry decided that he was ready to come off the ventilator in the middle of the night!! He pulled it out and said something to the effect that he was ready to get out of here! He has remained off the ventilator today and is holding his BP on his own.

Larry talked briefly with each of his kids in the morning. He said he wasn't having any fun on the trip yet and understood that he had a few issues! It was great to hear his voice and a great encouragement to start the day compared to where we have been.

Larry also pulled the feeding tube out and then complained of being hungry! He wasn't allowed any food until some tests could be done, but he did get to eat a bit of dinner. His voice is scratchy and his throat is sore but it is really great to talk to him. He had a PET scan today to look at the tissues and tomorrow will have the two part viability test. It is still really early to tell what direction we are headed but the doctors are considering any and all options. He knows now what he has been through and realizes how lucky he is to be here. Larry said to me on the phone tonight that whatever needs to be done, it is worth it.

We are hoping that Larry will feel like checking in here soon, so feel free to leave your comments for him. We will make sure he gets them.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Less sedated today

Larry's condition has remained unchanged for the most part. He is still mostly sedated and on ventilator and balloon pump. There was some indication that he might be developing pneumonia due to the ventilator (through x-ray and temperature) so he has been placed on antibiotics. His temp was back to normal by late afternoon. He also had a feeding tube placed last night.

They have been able to slowly reduce some of the anti-arrhythmic medications without incident and continue to mull over options for possible interventions such as bypass or transplant. Bypass was not thought to be an option in 2004 and transplant was not necessary as he was able to function at the level his heart was performing. They have decided to do a study tomorrow to test the viability of a bypass as it might give him an improved quality of life if performed. This will be performed in two parts, morning and afternoon, with results available on Thursday.

Larry's sedation seems to be lessened somewhat and he occasionally mouths responses and moves his arms. Staff have been very reassuring that they are not concerned with his mental status.

We are all keeping in close contact with Peg. She has her cell phone and we've found out how to up her minutes, but we can also reach her at Larry's room and at her hotel. She also has figured out how to send email's on Larry's computer! We had a good laugh when she told us he had written in his day planner under allergies, "Democrats". Might have been more helpful to know actual allergies, but that is the Larry we know and love! We remain hopeful that his heart is recovering and regaining strength and that he will come to back us.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Still sedated, but stable

Larry remains fairly stable but sedated with the ventilator and balloon pump. He has been on anti-arrhythmic medications to keep further arrhythmias from occurring. He hasn't been ready to fully come off the ventilator so he will likely stay somewhat sedated for awhile. He has also had some trouble maintaining his BP on his own. The medical team is going over his records from 2004 and taking this slowly.

Peg was able to stay in the tour hotel near friends and can get a shuttle to the hospital. Staff from the cath lab are stopping by to check in on the miracle and give reassurance to Peg that he needs rest after everything he has been through.