Sunday, June 7, 2009

Peg and Lazarus

Another email from Peg Sunday afternoon. They are having a quiet Sunday but did talk again with the docs. They will probably do the leg vein study tomorrow and then try to make some sort of decision. The doc seemed to indicate that they are kind of leaning toward by-pass although still several factors and tests that would have to be considered. He also said it won't happen before the cardiac surgeons are ready for it to happen. Larry is feeling stronger and improving every day. His throat doesn't hurt so he is talking better and eating better at each meal.

The doc also mentioned that his nickname is now Lazarus!! Certainly understand the reference, but I thought it interesting that there actually is a name for what he went through and it is called the Lazarus phenomenon -

The Lazarus phenomenon refers to an event in which a person spontaneously returns to life (the heart starts beating again) after resuscitation has been given up.

Peg says he isn't reading your comments yet, but she is telling him about them and that he will enjoy reading over them when he feels up to it. He is grateful for everyone's concern and so are we!


  1. Hey Grandpa
    I just wanted to tell you that I have been thinking about you non-stop and I am praying for your recovery every moment. I have been working something out so I can come spend time with you anc grandma this summer! I am sure there will be some great movies to see as well as some delish meals.

    FYI I got an A on the paper about the fabrication and cotton process. Thanks for all your help!!! Peter got back from Vegas today. He had an amazing time. He only lost $100 since he won about $400 playing blackjack last night.

    Anyways I shall write more later, I have a huge project to finish up!

    P.S. That is an awesome nick-name :)

    Love, Katie

  2. I think that Lazarus Larry has a certain ring to it. Glad that things continue to progress and that you are feeling better. We are praying for you.

    Todd Fogdall

  3. Hi Peg & Larry
    I'm not sure if you remember who I am, but I work at Mediafour with Curt. He has been keeping me updated, and this blog is a wonderful tool to see how you are doing. I love the Lazarus reference--I believe that means someone up there thinks you still have lots to accomplish here. :) We are thinking of you and praying for a speedy recovery.

    Best wishes & God bless,
    Krista Betts

  4. Larry,
    I just got back from Spain, it was Awesome...
    All of your help with the GPS and the round- about sure paid off, thanks. I thought I'd save you and Peg some of these new wines that just came in. Steve brought in a really nice sparkling Clairette from Beauchene. I am sure Peg will like this one. I think it is great that your family was able to put together such a nice blog page it sure is helpful to us all. I will let you know how Wine Fest goes, sure to be a blast. See you soon Larry! My thoughts are with you,
    Kari - Wine Adventures

  5. Larry, am happy you are feeling better are getting stronger everyday. The kids all ask for updates almost by the hour. I hope that you are not getting bad feelings about Boston. The city has so much to offer, including good hospitals. Tom

  6. Larry - Glad to hear that you are getting some rest and getting stronger everyday. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Frank and Michele Burns

  7. Mom sends her best wishes and prayers, blogs may be outside her current skillset (vcr would blink 12:00 if it were plugged in) but we're keeping her updated.

  8. Has to be the wine that's keeping you going, right Larry? Hang in there! I miss seeing you at the wine shows.
    Jeff P.
