Monday, June 15, 2009


Larry and Peg continue to work with several docs, attendings, surgeons, vascular surgeons, those that deal with the heart's conduction, etc and they continue to work on all the options and what might be best. The latest is that they don't think they can do anything from the electrical standpoint right now that would lesson his chances of arrhythmia but they still haven't totally ruled out a certain type of by-pass. In fact they would like to do one more test to determine how viable the heart might be for this.

They believe that there is some muscle that is alive but perhaps not contributing what it could be. They are hopeful that if they could improve the blood supply to this area, the heart muscle would be more productive and possibly less prone to arrhythmia. But first, the test would need to be done to see if this is even possible. I hope I am getting this fairly accurate, just summarizing from emails and phone conversations.

They also gave Peg and Larry the option of coming home and seeing if the test (and subsequent care) could be picked up locally. While getting home is attractive, they fairly quickly decided that the specialized care he is getting there is more important.

So, the test is scheduled for Wednesday but we are also used to their timelines changing fairly frequently! In the meantime, Larry hasn't started PT yet but he went hall walking for the second day! He also had a CT to look at his lungs -- no pneumonia and hasn't had a temperature in a few days so that is good. They did see some broken ribs, no surprise from the amount of CPR he had, but at least the breaks are close to the sternum and not causing too much pain.

We've started to get an occasional email or have a brief phone conversation so we know that Larry is getting stronger! He continues to be appreciative of your comments and concern, keep it coming!! We are so appreciative, too. Thanks, everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Larry, you continue to be an amazing story! As I follow your improvements from Florida we are so pleased to know each day you get stronger. Keep up the good work!
    Karen S at IBloom
