Monday, June 8, 2009

Coming off the pump!

Happy to say, progress is continuing!!

The docs have not made a decision on surgery yet, but they have decided to bring Larry/Lazarus off the heart assist pump because he is doing so well!! He is going to come off the blood thinners this evening and then they will start bringing him off the pump tonight. They do it in 4 hour increments to let his heart gradually take over.

Larry is really looking forward to being able to sit up more and maybe even moving around. Peg says they will probably make the decision tomorrow about surgery!


  1. Hi Larry-What a way to spend a vacation! I related your story to the docs that I work with and they too are really amazed at how well you are doing. Keep up the steady progress. You have alot of peaple praying for you! Bonnie Bredin

  2. Larry I wish I knew how to make these comments, hope this goes through. Keep up the good progess. You are pretty tough. Hello to Peg.
    Love you, Aunt Helen

  3. Peg AND Larry--Glad to hear progress is going well. Our thoughts and prayers are still with both of you. Please tell Larry to hurry and get to the computer--my OBAMA jokes are stacking up!!
    Bob & MJ

  4. Larry: Patience is the key word here. Believe me, I know from having both knees replaced, that sometimes Patience is the worst challenge. You need to heal & rest & do what the Doctors say. Remember you have a lot of Morse blood in you & we are strong fighters. Peg, you are being your usual strong & supportive self. Hang in there!!!! Love & prayers, Cheryl
