Saturday, June 27, 2009

Saturday - Pump Removed

Larry had the pump removed this morning and seems to be doing fine!! He did have just a bit of abnormal beat in the night. It didn't set off his device but, they chose to correct it with a very small jolt from external paddles. This worked to get it corrected quickly. This was actually atrial in nature and much more to be expected than the ventricular arrhythmias he has experienced so there doesn't seem to be much concern.

Larry is still semi-sedated. He will answer to some commands, especially if they are loud/insistent, but still keeps his eyes shut. The medication has to come out of the cells where it was stored so sometimes this can take awhile, but is to be expected. He's still on the vent so it is actually better that he isn't that aware.

Peg said one of the doctors came in and yelled and Larry raised his eyebrows but didn't open his eyes. When he asked him to hold up his arm and raise two fingers, he did do that. Carrie tried getting a reaction by telling him he was the only person on the planet who didn't know about Michael Jackson. :) I was thinking Farrah might get more reaction...


  1. I love the sound of things now......lots of improvement everyday. remember patience & baby steps. We are all thinking of all of you constantly. Thanks for the up-dates. Love ya, Cheryl

  2. Way to go! Larry and Peg, We are thinking of both of you and hope that things continue to move in the positive direction...and Rich wants to know if he needs to go check the Scotch and Bourbon supply. Thoughts and prayers...Rich, Janna, Ry & Tini

  3. I'm pretty sure Kate Jackson was his favorite Charlie's Angel anyway. On Saturday I attempted to get his attention because CNN was on, Jesse Jackson was commenting on Michael Jackson, so I held the little speaker up to his ear. He did raise his eyebrows!!

