Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Wednesday Report

Larry went back to the doctor yesterday to check on his foot. There isn't a whole lot of progress to report but also not a sense of urgency to do something immediately. He is going to have some tests done this week on it to look into the situation a little more and then will go back in another week. We are hopeful that it will show there is a chance it could continue to heal.

He continues to gain strength and walk a little further at a time and has been to more baseball games. He had been waiting to start rehab until they figure out what is going to happen with the foot. They have given him the green light not to wait so he will be going to cardiac rehab soon!

Will update when we have more...

Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Weekend

Things are fairly status quo with Larry. He has days where he moves around more and feels stronger, days where it is more of a struggle, but mostly, the progress continues. He has been able to come to some little league games but other than that, doesn't venture out. He has an appt for his foot again on Tuesday so nothing new to report at this point. We will put up another update after that appointment.

Carrie and Addie came in for a visit and we had some nice family time with games, meals, shopping. Larry hangs out in his chair most of the time, but was able to join in for the meals. It's so good to have him back and gaining strength.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Wednesday at home

Larry went to the doctor yesterday and his foot had come around enough that they gave it another week! It's still very uncertain what will happen but that was a nice boost. He was able to see Jay play baseball for the very first time last night, something he has been looking forward to!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Monday Update

Larry continues to gain strength and stability. He walks around now without his walker. He has been spending more time on the deck, at the table, etc. Stairs are still difficult but he is coming along. We were able to cut his hair this weekend and we even had our normal Saturday night dinner together.

Having the heart assist pump in and out several times through his groin while he was in the hospital has caused a circulation issue in his right foot that isn’t resolving as it should. Larry saw a couple of doctors last week, and is seeing another tomorrow. Nothing has been determined yet, but it is possible he might lose part of the foot. The doctors have assured him that he will still be able to do everything he wants to if it comes to that. It's not exactly what we were all hoping for but we know the pump was necessary at the time and probably a big part of why he is here today. And, we are SO glad he is here. We will keep you posted as more on this is determined.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Wednesday at home

Larry is continuing to work on building his strength and balance by doing some short jaunts around the house. He also went out to doctor's appts the last two days. He still gets pretty weary and worn out but we continue to see improvement. It's a little too slow for his liking but that is understandable. We think he is doing great. Haven't seen it yet, but heard he decided he'd had enough of the mustache!

More when we know it...

Monday, July 13, 2009

Monday at Home!

There's really not much to report but I don't want to worry anyone either. Sorry for letting the update go so long over the weekend. It was a bit of a whirlwind with him coming home, us going out on Saturday and Jas/Debbie coming through on Sunday. It was all good stuff so sorry if people worried.

Larry is starting to gain some strength, getting up several times a day to do small jaunts in the house. I think he is up to several laps around the kitchen island per trip. He says it's small stuff but we don't think so. He's anxious to see a grandkid baseball game but it might be a few days before he's ready. We did scout out some good parking spots where he could view the games. The boys also stopped by tonight and were full of stories about their games. All good medicine!

Hopefully in a few days he will be up to getting on the computer or taking a call but he's still taking it easy and concentrating on building strength at this point. Thanks for all the well wishes, prayers and cards. He was looking at some cards today so please know that he is getting them!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sunday at Home!

Larry was released from the hospital on Saturday afternoon and spent the night in his own bed! He said it felt quite good to take the first shower in some time as well. Mostly he is sitting in his chair but he does get around fairly well and has a walker for back up. He says he is a little weary and not ready for phone calls yet so we will continue to keep people posted through the blog until he feels up to writing or talking.

Jason and Debbie came through on their way home so we are all sitting around chatting and the kids are playing in the back yard. It is so great to have him home and have things starting to get back to normal.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Wed nite/Thursday in Des Moines

The new docs and staff are getting to know Larry as he recuperates and gains strength at Iowa Methodist. He did physical therapy twice today and is walking around a little. He will be ready for a haircut and maybe a shave in a few days, but he really looks good. Although not as dramatic, this is certainly more fun to write about than some of the earlier posts. Hopefully this is a trend!

Larry is also very much enjoying the change in food selections after several weeks in Boston with a only a few choices on the menu. He has enjoyed such delicacies as PB&J and soft shell tacos!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A Big Step Closer to Home

Larry is resting at Iowa Methodist and Peg is resting in her own bed! They landed at about 5:45pm, just as Curtis, Nate and Jay were pulling up. Everything went well with the flight - Larry didn't have any problems or issues. The kids and Curtis got to meet them briefly on the tarmac before the ambulance took him to Methodist.

They saw him again later after he got settled and then got Peg home and reunited with Nola. We are so excited to have him back and one step closer to home.

We want to send a big THANK YOU to everyone in Boston who got Larry to this point. I'm told many showed up to send him off, evidence of how much they really care for him.


Following in the path of the bypass, when they finally get a plan, they don't waste much time...

Larry is actually coming home to
Des Moines today!!!

We don't have a lot of details yet but apparently a plane and a bed at Methodist were available and they have notified Peg it will be today. She has already UPS'd her luggage home. We don't have any time estimate yet, but will let you know when we find out more.

update - potentially leaving around 2 or 2:30 - arriving in Des Moines around 5:30 or 6pm
update - Larry's plane took off at 3:57pm ET and should arrive in Des Moines around 5:45pm. Peg is also on board.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A Plan is Starting to Form

The doctors and staff have been working with the travel insurance people to get Larry a ride home. Sounds like it took some persuading, but they have agreed to an air ambulance. They also have to make sure they have a bed available here at the right time. Peg is thinking it might be Thursday or Friday before it all comes together. Still, having a plan in place is more than we had imagined even a week or two ago.

Two of Larry's favorite nurses, Norine and Lisa, have continued to check in on him in the new room. They gave him a card that said they have never wanted a patient to get better more than Larry. We know how they feel!

Curtis and Nate made it home safely despite some delays. Nate is quite enthused about his travels and Jay would like a turn to do some. Jay is also excited to see Grandpa with a mustache!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Late Sunday Night

It sounds like Larry has continued to improved steadily each day. Today he got the last chest tube out so he is even a little more free. He's also no longer on any oxygen. They are continuing talks about when and how to bring him home. We will know more tomorrow but they are planning to work on the insurance tomorrow to see if they can get him on a medical jet in the next couple of days. If so, he'd probably go to Methodist for a while. We will certainly keep everyone posted.

Curtis and Nate were able to get into the Red Sox game today!! It sounds like Nate might have inherited his Dad and Grandpa's love of travel. They will be coming home late Monday night and hopefully, Larry and Peg won't be too far behind.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

4th of July!!

Peg says Boston is all decked out in flags and ready to celebrate. They went to the Boston Pop's rehearsal last night and said it was really worth it. Nate's favorite part was the cannons. They will listen to the music tonight over the radio and watch the fireworks from Grandpa Larry's room.

He got to go to step down care yesterday as planned. Peg says he is doing great although he might be a little impatient. He apparently would like to be running the halls or something, and his body isn't quite ready for that. The point of step down will be to get some strength back. He was down for a really long time so it might take a little bit of work. I'm sure he is up for it with the prize being coming home!

Speaking of the home front, Jason, Debbie, Teddy and Charlie are almost here. We are planning dinner together, smores, fireworks and sparklers, in sweatshirts, no less. We wish that Grandma and Grandpa were here to join us but we will definitely be thinking of them and sending good thoughts out to Boston.

Hope everyone has a safe 4th and can take a moment to give thanks for the freedoms we have.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Boston Fans

More Good News

Nate and Curtis made it to Boston despite all the difficulties with United and their computers and got to see Larry last night. This morning they are back and there is more good news. Larry is supposed to get moved to cardiac step down this afternoon! Nate will be able to be in his room when this happens.

There is also some talk of possibly getting Larry back to Des Moines early next week. The preferred method being discussed is air ambulance. He would be met at the airport and be transported to Methodist so they could monitor how he is doing and make sure everything is okay before he heads home. None of this is definite but at least a plan is starting to form! Keep it up, Larry!!

Peg, Curtis and Nate are hoping to attend the Boston Pops rehearsal tonight so that they can hear the music. They should get to see the fireworks tomorrow night but it is difficult to get close enough to hear the music and see the fireworks so they will try to take in the music tonight. They are expecting some rain, as are we, so they are hoping to get a duck ride in today.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Thurs Afternoon

Larry is still improving each day. He was able to get with an endocrinologist and start getting his blood sugars more in line. They are worried about lows in the hospital so had been running him a little high. He will feel much better having this more controlled.

He had been up in a chair for about 3 hours when Peg emailed!! He's hoping to be wheeled out to see Nate for a little while when he arrives, because you have to be 12 to go in the ICU. I'm sure he wants to see Curtis too. :) Curtis and Nate are on their way but have had a few delays. Hopefully they will make it mid to late afternoon. (Nancy and Jay are holding down the forts and dogs at home and hoping to do lots of their own special stuff over the weekend!)

One of the docs came in today and said they have talked things over with Larry's docs and hospital at home and even the travel insurance they had about how to best get him home. Even talking about this is progress!! They are hoping to get him to step down care in a day or two where they will get him ready to go home. Nothing is determined yet, but we are so thankful to be talking about getting him home. (not too soon, okay? I'm angling to use your cleaning lady next week!) just kidding, Larry. We will be very excited to have you back.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Wed Evening

Larry had another night without incident and continues to improve. The doctor this morning was very upbeat about his progress and where he is heading. He said the hope is to have him at least back to where he was before all this happened, and hopefully with the by-pass being successful, the heart might even be stronger than it was ( this could take 6 months to determine.) His white count is elevated so they are working to see what he might have for an infection to maximize treatment. He's also still fluid restricted as they work to get the excess fluids off.

He's been able to view some things on-line and has been hearing your comments!!

Curtis and Nate will be on their way for a visit bright and early on Thursday.