Saturday, July 4, 2009

4th of July!!

Peg says Boston is all decked out in flags and ready to celebrate. They went to the Boston Pop's rehearsal last night and said it was really worth it. Nate's favorite part was the cannons. They will listen to the music tonight over the radio and watch the fireworks from Grandpa Larry's room.

He got to go to step down care yesterday as planned. Peg says he is doing great although he might be a little impatient. He apparently would like to be running the halls or something, and his body isn't quite ready for that. The point of step down will be to get some strength back. He was down for a really long time so it might take a little bit of work. I'm sure he is up for it with the prize being coming home!

Speaking of the home front, Jason, Debbie, Teddy and Charlie are almost here. We are planning dinner together, smores, fireworks and sparklers, in sweatshirts, no less. We wish that Grandma and Grandpa were here to join us but we will definitely be thinking of them and sending good thoughts out to Boston.

Hope everyone has a safe 4th and can take a moment to give thanks for the freedoms we have.


  1. Happy 4th of July to Larry & Peg and all the Bell's!

    We went to the Cedar Rapids Kernels game tonight - the game was over so early it was a couple of hours til the Fireworks - don't always wear jackets on the 4th! Kernels won 2-0.

    Be patient, cuz, and get your strength back - just keep working toward that goal of going to Des Moines!!

    Love & Prayers,
    Ron & Jeri

  2. Hi Larry - Just wanted to let you know that Clarence Rief called tonight. I had thought about him earlier but thought maybe he was on your email distribution. He has been trying to call you for a month and has been wondering where in the world you were. I'm so glad he finally called here, I'm sorry I didn't contact him sooner. I gave him an update and he said he was just astounded at everything you have been through. He may try to check the blog but is wishing you well.
