Thursday, July 2, 2009

Thurs Afternoon

Larry is still improving each day. He was able to get with an endocrinologist and start getting his blood sugars more in line. They are worried about lows in the hospital so had been running him a little high. He will feel much better having this more controlled.

He had been up in a chair for about 3 hours when Peg emailed!! He's hoping to be wheeled out to see Nate for a little while when he arrives, because you have to be 12 to go in the ICU. I'm sure he wants to see Curtis too. :) Curtis and Nate are on their way but have had a few delays. Hopefully they will make it mid to late afternoon. (Nancy and Jay are holding down the forts and dogs at home and hoping to do lots of their own special stuff over the weekend!)

One of the docs came in today and said they have talked things over with Larry's docs and hospital at home and even the travel insurance they had about how to best get him home. Even talking about this is progress!! They are hoping to get him to step down care in a day or two where they will get him ready to go home. Nothing is determined yet, but we are so thankful to be talking about getting him home. (not too soon, okay? I'm angling to use your cleaning lady next week!) just kidding, Larry. We will be very excited to have you back.


  1. Praise the Lord for all our answered prayers!!! I am so happy that things are going well, & what a great weekend for Curt & Nate to be in Boston. That will be fantastic medicine for Larry. Thanks so much Nancy, for keeping us all informed. We all check several times a day. Take care, Larry, & do exactly like they say. They have brought you this far, so keep it up!!!! Love ya, Cheryl

  2. Now that's an Independance Day Celebration!

    Hope Curt and Nate can find some firework to see, they do a little of that in Boston right?

  3. Wow! What a great 4th of July! So glad to have such good news the past several days! Keep up the good work and hope that it continues.
    And of course-we're eager to see Peg too!
    Karen S
