Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Wednesday Report

Larry went back to the doctor yesterday to check on his foot. There isn't a whole lot of progress to report but also not a sense of urgency to do something immediately. He is going to have some tests done this week on it to look into the situation a little more and then will go back in another week. We are hopeful that it will show there is a chance it could continue to heal.

He continues to gain strength and walk a little further at a time and has been to more baseball games. He had been waiting to start rehab until they figure out what is going to happen with the foot. They have given him the green light not to wait so he will be going to cardiac rehab soon!

Will update when we have more...


  1. Think of you every day and still praying that the foot will improve.It is sure nice weather. I am enjoying Iowa sweet corn and tomatoes. I plan to go to the Morse reunion on Sunday.
    Love, Aunt Helen

  2. Hey Peg and Larry
    Norine and I still check regularly. I went to the Jersey Shore for vacation and Norine went to Falmouth. Summer is ending here in Boston and Red Sox are falling apart. Keep us posted. Lisa and Norine rns mgh.....
